Industrial Services, You Can Depend On

Redefine your approach to safety and compliance with help from a company with decades of experience. Family-owned and operated Fee Corp Inc. offers a comprehensive roster of environmental and industrial services. Whether you're interested in scheduling routine cleaning or need urgent assistance with a spill, you can rest easy knowing we're always available to help.
Local businesses and organizations have depended on Fee Corp Inc. for help with hazardous waste management, containment, and emergency cleanup situations since 1992. Just a few of the industries we serve include:
- Power Generation
- Petroleum Refining, Distribution, & Retail Operations
- Steel Production
- Municipal Water & Sewer Facilities
As well, we also serve other public and private interests. And of course, we retain all necessary permits, equipment, and safety trained personnel to ensure we provide the safest and most efficient customer service possible. Reach out today to learn how our environmental and industrial services company can serve you.